Women’s Independent Film Festival


Early Entry Deadline - Aug 25th

Regular Entry Deadline - Sept 15th

Late Entry Deadline - Oct 6th

Late Late Entry Deadline - Oct 27th

WAB Deadline - Nov. 3rd

Selections will be notified on Nov 17th, 2015. The festival will take place between  Dec 4th-6th.

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Narrative Short Film (WAB Code-Short)

Films submitted in this category must be under 30 minutes in length and may be of any genre. To qualify, a woman must hold the role of AT LEAST ONE of the following: Producer, Director, Writer, Cinematographer, Editor, or Lead Actor.

Documentary (Doc)

Films submitted in this category may be any length and of any genre. To qualify, a woman must hold the role of AT LEAST ONE of the following: Producer, Director, Writer, Cinematographer, Editor, or Lead Actor.

Narrative Feature Film (Feat)

Films submitted in this category must be over 30 minutes in length and may be of any genre. For the film to qualify, a woman must hold the role of AT LEAST ONE of the following: Producer, Director, Writer, Cinematographer, Editor, or Lead Actor.

Animation (Ani)

Films submitted in this category may be any length and of any genre. For the film to qualify, a woman must hold the role of AT LEAST ONE of the following: Producer, Director, Writer, Cinematographer, Editor, or Lead Actor.

Music Videos (Mus)

Films submitted in this category may be any length and of any genre. For the film to qualify, a woman must hold the role of AT LEAST ONE of the following: Producer, Director, Writer, Cinematographer, Editor, or Lead Actor.

Experimental Cinema (Exp)

Films submitted in this category may be any length and of any genre. For the film to qualify, a woman must hold the role of AT LEAST ONE of the following: Producer, Director, Writer, Cinematographer, Editor, or Lead Actor.

Student Made Films (Stu)

Films submitted in this category may be any length and of any genre. For the film to qualify, a woman must hold the role of AT LEAST ONE of the following: Producer, Director, Writer, Cinematographer, Editor, or Lead Actor.

Scripts (Scrpt)

Scripts submitted in this category may be any length and of any genre. For the script to qualify, it must either be written by a woman or be centered around a female protagonist.

Feminism On Film (Fem)

Films submitted in this category contain subject matter that promotes the advancement of women in society or brings light to feminist issues. Fem on Film submissions may be any length and of any genre. For the film to qualify, a woman must hold the role of AT LEAST ONE of the following: Producer, Director, Writer, Cinematographer, Editor, or Lead Actor.

Girls Make Movies (Grls)

Films submitted in this category MUST be made by filmmakers under the age of 18. Films may be any length and of any genre. For the film to qualify, a young woman must hold the role of AT LEAST ONE of the following: Producer, Director, Writer, Cinematographer, Editor, or Lead Actor.


    Please submit your film as an online        

    screener through withoutabox.com or

    mail all submission materials to :


    Women’s Independent Film Festival

        18375 Ventura Blvd. # 432

            Tarzana, CA. 91356

Please Note that Submission materials will not be returned.

**If you are not submitting your film through withoutabox.com and wish to submit to us directly, you may do so by sending your film and submission fee to the above address.

Please be sure to label all submission materials with the title

of your work, your assigned WAB tracking code (if applicable), your name, your contact number, and your email address.

All films in languages other than English must be either subtitled or dubbed in English with the exception of music videos which may provide a copy of the lyrics in English instead of subtitles.

If sending materials by Express Mail, Fed Ex, UPS, or any other method, please be sure to waive the required delivery signature.

Submission fees are for each entry.

Please note that submission materials will not be returned.

Submission fees for all categories are as follows:

Early Entry Deadline - $40

Regular Entry Deadline - $45

Late Entry Deadline - $55

Late Late Entry Deadline - $65

WAB Deadline - $75

If you submit your film through withoutabox.com you may receive discounted rates

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